A World Cancer Day Launch Project
Today, The Hope Light Foundation launched the World "Beacons of Hope" project to unite lighthouses throughout the world to work together in the fight against cancer.
"We feel that launching the World "Beacons of Hope" project today was very appropriate since it is World Cancer Day that promotes uniting the worlds population to get involved in the fight against cancer by raising awareness", said Rudy Bess, Co-Founder of The Hope Light Foundation. The Foundation "Beacons of Hope" project launch is listed as an activity on the World Cancer Day's website Map of Impact.
As "Beacons of Hope", participating lighthouses will stand united with other world lighthouses to navigate people to life-saving cancer awareness information, promote early detection and become beacons of hope for cancer patient survivorship and cures for all cancers. With early cancer detection and treatment, patients have a better chance for survival and a better chance for a cure.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), this year, 8.2 million people will die from cancer throughout the world with 14 million new cases being diagnosed. Within the next two decades, worldwide new cancer cases will increase to 22 million and if left unchecked, cancer deaths will rise to more than 13 million. This year, in the United States alone, over 573,000 people will die from cancer with over 1.5 million new cases being diagnosed.
Metropolis Lighthouse in Illinois |
"For over 2000 years, lighthouses have been used to navigate ships through dark stormy seas with hope for survival by finding a safe harbor", Bess said. "This is similar to a cancer patients dark journey into the unknown with hope for surviving this deadly disease. This is why we are calling upon lighthouses throughout the world to help fight cancer".
The Hope Light Foundation built the Metropolis Lighthouse aka "Hope Light" in Metropolis, Illinois on the bank of the Ohio River as a means to increase cancer awareness and as a symbol of hope for surviving cancer. This is the worlds first lighthouse that was designed, built and dedicated to the fight against cancer. Lighthouses throughout the world will have the opportunity to join the Metropolis Lighthouse in fighting cancer by helping raise cancer awareness and save lives.
Bess and his wife Beverly are co-founders of The Hope Light Foundation. They have visited over 450 lighthouses in the United States and Canada and have gained appreciation for their history and lore.
"Many people look upon lighthouses as sources of strength and inspiration which has made them popular travel destinations", Bess said. "I feel the Beacons of Hope project will increase the general public's interest in visiting participating lighthouses while increasing their interest in learning how to detect cancer early and save lives. As implied by the World Cancer Day's theme, We Can work together to increase cancer awareness and decrease preventable deaths throughout the world."
To find out how to become a "Beacon of Hope" lighthouse and the features and benefits of participating in the project, lighthouse representatives are asked to visit The Hope Light Foundation's website at http://www.hopelightproject. com/.
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